Expand your knowledge and skills in relation to current and future roles and functions within the Organization

Professional development

Continuous learning environment
Fosters an environment where new ideas and good practices are celebrated

Provides you with opportunities to move and change work environments and gain a fresh point of view

What are cross-assignments?
Cross-assignments enable a staff member (the “visiting staff member”) to learn how to execute specific tasks by working with a new set of team (“host section”) for a set period of time. During the cross-assignment, the receiving office teaches the visiting staff member about specific tasks related to their functions.
Please note that this is an informal learning option for staff to avail of as they wish based on the information and guidance below, not a centrally managed programme.
You can find out more from the HR Portal.
Who is eligible for cross-assignments?
Staff eligible for participation in learning activities as per existing policy.
How long is a typical cross-assignment?
The duration of cross-assignments is to be agreed between visiting/receiving staff and participating sections. It may be done on a full time, continuous basis or during dedicated working hours. Planned leave of the participating staff members should be taken into consideration when planning the schedule
Cross-assignments typically have a maximum duration of three months. Visiting staff are expected to return to their regular role and functions upon completion of the cross-assignment exercise.
What is the scope of cross-assignments?
Cross-assignments are possible within the same duty station and between staff members at the same grade level.
COVID-19 has created a lot of disruption to my work. I am confined and unable to do my work because it requires physical presence in the office. Can I find cross-assignments through conecta?
Due to the COVID-19 crisis, we recognize that an actual shadowing experience will not be feasible. At the same time, we are aware of the stress and anxiety the current situation has placed on a lot of staff members and their families. However, this could be an opportunity for cross-assignments and to share tasks and responsibilities with others.
Discuss with your supervisor and agree on a development plan – perhaps a skill you wish to develop but never had the time to explore. We encourage you to search for colleagues in areas of expertise you wish to develop and check whether they are willing to accept you as a team member during a certain agreed duration period. When you’ve found someone, please get in touch with your HR Partner and check the procedure for cross-assignments.
Should I set learning objectives?
Learning objectives should be agreed upon between the visiting staff and the host section, prior to the commencement of the activity. However, it would be more efficient if the staff member discusses first his/her aspirational goals with his/her manager so requests for cross-assignments do not come as a surprise!
How do we ensure confidentiality during cross-assignments?
During cross-training, visiting staff members will be exposed to and be able to access information that may be confidential and/or legally privileged. Participating staff members are expected to respect the level of confidentiality.
Are there pre-requisites for cross-assignments?
- Identification of a receiving staff member who would be willing to host
- Agreement of visiting staff member’s supervisor to participate in the cross-assignment
- Agreement of receiving staff member’s supervisor for them to participate in the cross-assignment exercise.
How can the arrangement be made?
The arrangement for cross-assignments can be confirmed by an email including all of the staff concerned (visiting staff and host and releasing sections’ supervisors). The arrangement includes:
- Outlining the nature of the role and the specific tasks to be assigned
- Describing the knowledge and skills expected to be acquired
- Providing the timetable by which the cross-training activities will be governed
- Providing expected work outcome